Roland XV series

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The Roland XV series is the successor to the Roland JV line of synthesizers. The first synthesizers to bear the XV name were the Roland XV-3080 and Roland XV-5080.

Notable additions to this iteration include being able to define a stereo partial - different input waveforms for the left and right, but passed on along the signal chain (through pitch modulation, amplitude, filtering) as if it were one mono partial. This still uses 2 voices if used, though...!

The XV series introduced a new expansion board format, the SRX series. Some XV series synths also support the older SR-JV80 series boards.

Notable models:

  • Roland XV-3080 - features 3 SRX slots, 3 SR-JV80 slots, is missing the JD Multi effect unit, SCSI (sampling) and COSM FX.
  • Roland XV-5080 - features 4 SRX slots, 4 SR-JV80 slots, and everything missing from the XV-3080.
  • Roland XV-5050 - Half-height version of the XV-5080, with half the polyphony and missing sampling capabilities. Features 2 SRX slots only.
  • Roland XV-2020 - 1U tall, half-rack unit (similar to the JV-1010). Features the same EFX as the JV-1080 and has a completely new set of 4 banks exclusive to it. It has 2 SRX slots only.
  • Roland XV-88 - Keyboard version of the XV-3080.

Unusual models:

  • Roland Fantom FA76 - Features the XV engine but with half the polyphony and multitimbrality. Adds a bunch of new features on top that are beyond the scope of the XV engine. Features 2 SRX slots and 1 SR-JV80 slot.